Tag: 100w100d

  • 100w100d: Finish Line

    Day 100 of #100w100d: And here we are, at the finished line.

  • 100w100d: Lesbians

    Day 99 of #100w100d: There’s a reason why I dress like a lesbian…

  • 100w100d: Perfect Day

    Dy 98 of #100w100d: Eat, Drink, and Be Merry. I got to do all three today.

  • 100w100d: Hatchet

    Day 97 of #100w100d: Sometimes a hatchet isn’t really a hatchet but a grip that you simply need to let go of.

  • 100w100d: San Francisco

    Day 96 of #100w100d: Oh, San Francisco, It’s what you do to me.

  • 100w100d: Friends

    Day 94 of #100w100d: A big part of my SF trip this time is to catch up with my friends and family. There are so many people I haven’t talked to in years, simply because I’m never around long enough to do so.

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