Tag: writing

  • Wake Me Up When Lent Season Ends

    Facebook wasn’t a part of my life as much as my life had became specifically planned around it. I had to cut the cord somewhere, so for Lent this year I decided to give up Facebook and social media altogether.

  • It’s Oh So Quiet

    It’s been so long since I last wrote something here. Since finishing my #100w100d project last December, I was hoping to take a quick step back and look at where I should proceed from there.

  • 100w100d: Second Guess

    Day 74: I second guess myself a lot. There’s been plenty of time when I’ve written something, may it be a blog post or a work email, only to re-read them over and over again. Are my words used as effectively to get my points across? What if people don’t agree with me? Worst still,…

  • 100w100d: 50%

    Day 50: I’m officially at the halfway point of my 100 Words for 100 Days project, which was initially inspired by my friend Stephen when he was telling me about his daily writing project at the time. It’s been taking a bit longer than I thought it would since I started back in May. But…

  • 100w100d: 100 words

    Day 37: Today is day 37 of my 100 words for 100 days project. Initially, I wanted to use this project to reset my writing habit.

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