Category: Music

  • 100w100d: 4'33"

    Day 71: I like to listen to music when I write, usually with headphones. Shrinking me into a smaller world, music sets me away from my daily worries and allows me to focus solely on the choice and order of my words. But today is different. I’m at the library and there’s no talking. Instead…

  • 100w100d: Music

    Day 67: It’s so easy for me to be inspired by musicians. More than writers, who create worlds, and actors, who turn words into emotions, musicians create something that are deeply personal yet know no boundaries. In many ways, I owe much of my life to music. Through a collection of notes, rhythm, melody, and…

  • 100w100d: Jump

    Day 65: It’s borderline absurd how much Madonna’s Jump has an impact on my life. It’s not her most famous song, but it doesn’t matter because I’m just engrossed by the song every time I listen to it. It was Jump in 2006 that convinced me to come back to the US. It was Jump…

  • 100w100d: Tales of Us

    Day 41: A while back, I dated this guy who introduced me to Goldfrapp. I’ve heard of their music before but mostly in dance clubs…

  • 100w100d: Santa Monica

    Day 40: Repeating their debut album for months on end, to say I loved Savage Garden in high school would be an understatement. I especially loved the ending track — Santa Monica.

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