What’s Worth Remembering: April 2023

  1. The yoga teacher offered kindness, who also happened to remind me of Nicole Kidman from Nine Perfect Strangers.
  2. Following a 4-mile walk around Lake Merced, Ian and I had an impromptu lunch at Marigame Udon.
  3. We held hands as we saw the Bart parking lot lights come on at 7:50pm.
  4. Ian made IKEA meatballs and stuffing tonight! White People Dinner night! He even used the corelle casserole dish.
  5. First day of taking a corporate class meant a long day of meetings! I really appreciate that Ian fixed me a bowl of dinner during class!
  6. A sunny day in a long time, it was good to finally be able to go for a walk around the Apple campus.
  7. Felt really unmotivated but muttered up the energy to go for a run. It ended up being nice and I was glad to have held myself accountable.
  8. Went home to see parents only to find out my mom tested Covid positive again. It’s not her fault but it was just disheartening that I had to drive back instead of finally able to spend time with them.
  9. We went to two bakeries in the morning but something felt off. Went for a run in the afternoon and spent that time appreciating how much Ian do for me.
  10. It was good to see a smiling Lynda again after being out sick for a week. My distorted thoughts suggested a lot of possibilities but I’m glad they were wrong as always.
  11. It was nice to be able to go for a walk and practice a bit of Spanish amidst an otherwise busy work day.
  12. Call it Kool-Aid or whatever, but I was actually enjoying the corporate class today. And Ian passed the PMP test!
  13. Today was filled with meetings but it was good to chat with Robbie and Lynda, and just be human with them for a brief moment.
  14. Ian left for Japan today and I got so bored I don’t know what to do with myself. 😢
  15. Finally able to see my parents after so long and it was nice to hear Ian had arrived safely in Japan.
  16. I could finally go on an extended hike at one of my favorite trails around my parents’! Six miles later and I’m one happy, tired camper!
  17. I finally got to see Darren Hayes perform live after literally decades, sure, but that’s on top of an already great day of city walking. The Starbucks cashier gifted me a free blueberry scone!
  18. I spent my day off today to give self-care the old college try. Started off FaceTiming with Ian, then a gentle walk with takeaway coffee (and actually sat at a park for a minute), treated myself with a Shepard’s Pie (frozen from TJ), and finally returned home with laundry, a bath, and plenty of YouTube.
  19. Today’s been rough getting back to the office after my day off yesterday, and my ankle’s been in pain likely from all the hiking and walking from the past few days.
  20. My ankle finally felt better, though the week has been so busy and tiresome that I decided to request to work remotely next week.
  21. The week is finally winding down! I was finally able to go for a run.
  22. I went to yoga and probably pulled something, so ended up spending most of the day just recovering.
  23. On my last weekend day without Ian, I spent four hours wandering inside SFMOMA. Afterwards I decided to treat myself to Ippudo, which surprisingly tasted just ok. (I still prefer my favorite joint, Tadamasa, in Union City.)
  24. After putting it off for a long time, I finally went to a new dentist, and surprisingly didn’t need any deep cleaning or other major surgeries. I do, however, have a lot of cavities but at least those can be remedied.
  25. The day started off poorly feeling unsupported by my team, but took time give grace to all (esp myself) and the day improved gradually. Heard this great line, “Self love is not selfish!” in a YouTube video.
  26. The good thing about working remote this week is the ability to sneak in a run during the lunch hour. The extra hours this week greatly helped reset many aspects of my life.
  27. You know the day is busy when I even forgot to eat lunch! But less than 24 hours and Ian will be home safely. I missed him 😊
  28. It’s good to have Ian back home safely, and it made me happy hearing how great his trip went.
  29. IaAfter researching for the past few months, I finally took the plunge and bought Building a Second Brain, by Tiago Forte.
  30. Ian’s friend is in town so we gave her a quick tour of South San Francisco — The Industrial City!
Habit Tracker for April, 2023




One response to “What’s Worth Remembering: April 2023”

  1. Here’s the rest of it 📃 – WinsonShuen.com Avatar

    […] April: I finally got to see Darren Hayes perform live after literally decades, sure, but that’s on top of an already great day of city walking. The Starbucks cashier gifted me a free blueberry scone! […]

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