What’s Worth Remembering: October 2023

  1. I’m so glad we returned on Saturday so we’d have one more day to reset before going back to work
  2. The transition back to work was a bit rough, but managable. Maybe it’s placebo but I think I can run for longer than before!
  3. The first day back in the office and it was… fine. The drive seemed longer than usual
  4. Had a really nice chat with a coworker whom my anxiety had always suggested hates me, does not in fact hate me
  5. Dropped off Ian at the airport — as usual I miss him already
  6. Went home and went for a good, extended walk and even get takeout dinner along the way back
  7. Felt fortunate enough to put things on pause in order to spend extra time on meditation today
  8. I’m glad to finally resume my MAF running practice, now able to run for 1+ minutes before stopping!
  9. Glad I could make today work amidst all the meetings to go for a run and even have time to Facetime with Ian. This world is a chaotic place
  10. I went on a walk this afternoon that really shifted my perspective on how I should approach things. Tree up!
  11. Had a really nice chat (and walk) with a coworker today about Life.
  12. Woke up this morning and heard Pong Nan’s new song, and still ruminate over its meaningful lyrics.
  13. I was so productive today: went for a run, did dishes, picked up packages, groceries, cleaned the apartment, oh and work!
  14. Ian is back so I’m glad to be able to spend quality time with him today
  15. Yoga class was pretty empty today. Spent a bit of time reading Peach Blossom Spring by Melissa Fu — finally getting into the groove of it.
  16. I don’t know if it’s my watch being wonky or what, but I was pleasantly surprised my run today lasted 40+ minutes before needing my first walk break to lower my heartrate. I hope that means my body is getting used to the MAF method!
  17. Patience is a persistent teacher
  18. Finally able to (stop procrastinating and) put some thoughts into a slide
  19. I never know how to help or what to do when Ian’s feeling down
  20. Apple cancelled The Problem with Jon Stewart allegedly due to an episode on China or AI, and that’s disappointing
  21. It was good to see my friends after so long! Was excited to sit next to Judy!
  22. Felt especially good to be in Yoga today
  23. Work is never, ever going to end huh?
  24. Um, I really like Muichiro the Mist Hashira in Demon Slayer
  25. Had a really nice chat with someone I normally do not always see eye to eye with
  26. Wrapped up this season of Demon Slayer, this might the best one yet!
  27. Glad I had the foresight to go for a run before my vaccine today
  28. This vaccine is quite a doozy! Glad we went to the grand opening of the SSF New Library before I slept for most of today
  29. Finally feeling better as we’ll be spending the next few days in Union City. The house feels so different without my parents
  30. Ian made some really nice Ramen tonight, made from the ramen pack Kristina gifted us in her trip to Japan. I hope she’s doing well
  31. Today was some unlucky, Friday the 13th on a Halloween night with a full moon kind of bs day. Still, I hope the kids will come for Trick-or-Treating




One response to “What’s Worth Remembering: October 2023”

  1. Here’s the rest of it 📃 – WinsonShuen.com Avatar

    […] October: Had a really nice chat with a coworker whom my anxiety had always suggested hates me, does not in fact hate me […]

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