100w100d: Managing Sadness

Ghost Face

Day 9: As much as I don’t want to talk about being depressed, that’s genuinely how I’ve felt since this morning. Nothing significant triggered it, though I suspect it was a series of minuscule events: not getting a call back from a date, having to throw out spoiled groceries, and receiving yet another parking ticket from the lovely city of Beverly Hills.

I’m often envious of those who can just switch off the sadness and carry on. How productive they must be, to be able to focus without having to spend incredible effort just to climb out of the metaphorical, emotional well.




2 responses to “100w100d: Managing Sadness”

  1. stephanissima Avatar

    Do you ever read Hyperbole and A Half? The author recently posted something on the subject. It’s a really interesting read

    1. wins Avatar

      Really? No, I haven’t read it but am interested. Thanks for the heads up! :]

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