What’s Worth Remembering: May 2023

  1. Lynda was so, so happy to be surprised with a birthday call and with her gift.
  2. Thinking about the lessons from The Courage to be Disliked, I pondered about setting a goal to be disliked by one person this year. (The main logic is to encourage authenticity over worrying to have everyone like me. The book mentioned doing so shall set me free.)
  3. It was really nice to catch a break in today’s rain and go for a walk with Julie today to just be humans for a minute.
  4. The clouds were so pretty during my drive to work this morning. They reminded me so much of JMW Turner paintings, the way the skies are painted with pink hues and pastel blues.
  5. I was glad to finally implement the PARA method to some of my digital tools at work. It’s a big change from how I had it before, but hopefully it will help me better keep track of work.
  6. Spent most of the day playing Outlander, which hits a specific spot and gets me into a real flow with its resource management gameplay. I realize it’s kind of what my job entails, keeping things moving so the next steps are not blocked.
  7. Sometimes it’s just nice to slow down and do some real cooking. The weekend has been really nice with Ian and I’m glad the army stew turned out so well!
  8. Breaking up the work day with walks and exercise really made my day today. I recently read that Productivity is not about managing task but instead on energy, and today was a testament of that.
  9. I appreciate slowing down and just shoot the shit with nice coworkers that I otherwise am unable to if I were working remotely.
  10. Today was my 30th anniversary of emigrating to the US. Despite all its flaws, this country gave me a life I othewise wouldn’t be able to live; happiness I otherwise wouldn’t be able to pursue.
  11. It was really interesting to attend today’s workshop. As lazy as I am (or at least aspire to be), do I actually like my job? /s
  12. Went to the dentist for the first of two cavities appointments. Came home to learn Ian’s last day is on June 1.
  13. Ian and I went to visit parents and it’s nice to see everyone have a good time together. Dad seemed to like Ian’s gift for him from Japan (cooking chopsticks)!
  14. This weekend has been so productive with household chores and I had a great run in the afternoon!
  15. This week is so jam full of meetings, but on the flip side I’m glad to be able to spend some quality time with Ian tonight.
  16. Didn’t sleep well at all so I ended up working from home today. Was grateful team checked in on me but this work is going to be nuts until June so I just have to manage one day at a time.
  17. I’ve been really conscious about rambling on too much in meetings, but when asking for feedback, multiple people said that’s not a concern at all. Distorted thoughts, man.
  18. It was good to hear Ian was having an already great day by the time I got home, that way my surprise dessert and gift can make his birthday even better. 😇
  19. It was nice to watch Strange World with Ian tonight; a shame Disney did not promote the film while it was in theatre.
  20. Birthday celebration continued today with going to Mom’s Tofu — a place we always wanted to return but never at the right time… until today!
  21. Finally able to spend a gorgeous day with friends over pizza and lunch. Judy came and the kids are so big now!
  22. Paul and I finally met up for lunch today after talking about it for so long. Even though we’re not super close, I’m so grateful to reconnect with someone who’s known me for most of my life.
  23. It was a nice day to go for a run, and I’m getting hang of making rice in the ceramic pot Ian got at Daiso!
  24. Work is heating up and everyone is feeling it!
  25. I was reminded that this is the thick of it at work, and that sometimes the quickest way is through.
  26. In my run today I thought about how I’ve been more tired than alive lately, and that I should let Ian know that he is my priority.
  27. Yoga was nice and I think I’m ready to try out some other classes. Was proud of myself to make a full, healthy dinner for us both.
  28. Spent a really nice morning hiking at Mori Point by Pacifica. Three day weekends are necessary to have enough time to unwind, whereas two days are usually mostly spent on errands and chores.
  29. Final day of the Memorial Day long weekend and we met up with Andy over coffee. Ian made a wonderful Oden stew for dinner!
  30. My boss is back today and it was strangely energizing to talk with him. Ian is getting really good with his shortbread cookies.
  31. A coworker who seemed a bit stoic yesterday was actually in a gnarly car accident. I’m just glad he’s okay. Life, man!




2 responses to “What’s Worth Remembering: May 2023”

  1. What Fills Your Cup 🍵 – WinsonShuen.com Avatar

    […] how’s it going?So I was reviewing my memorandom for May (where I write a sentence to recap what’s worth remembering that day) and noticed so much […]

  2. Here’s the rest of it 📃 – WinsonShuen.com Avatar

    […] May: The clouds were so pretty during my drive to work this morning. They reminded me so much of JMW Turner’s paintings, the way the skies are painted with pink hues and pastel blues […]

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