August Reflections

It’s been a while since my last newsletter. Depression, amirite?

The gist was that I was feeling down (even as the world picked up for a few months until recently) and was also making some minor pivots following my 10-week life coaching journey. It’s a bit too much to plop everything down here, but I’ll be writing a blog post about it in the future.

In the mean time here’s a quick summary and reflection of what I did in the month of August, 2021.

Here are some things I did this month:

  • I ran 42.66 miles (average 4.27 miles per run), down from 44.6 from July
  • Canceled my gym membership (and then immediately went to Jollibee)
  • Completed a 3-month Technical Program Manager (TPM) Practitioner course (Oh thank goodness I’m done with it!)

Social Gatherings:

  • Drinks with Rick and Becky
  • Coffee with Terence
  • Brunch with Ms Ozaki and Ka
  • Brunch with Dreya and Chris
  • Dinner with my cousin
  • Picnic with the homies

Here are the things I enjoyed and would recommend this month:

  • Podcast: Stuff British Stole by ABC. The fact that you’re reading this newsletter in the English language, by a writer born in Hong Kong now living in a country that’s not England says a lot about just how much the British had influence (and stolen) from the world.
  • Album: Solar Power by Lorde. Haters gonna hate because I love this album more and more with each listen.
  • TV: My Hero Academia. Between the theme song, recap, and next episode preview, the 22 minute show is more like a 10-minute web series. Super binge-able and enjoyable.
  • Book: Pachinko by Min Jin Lee. I like the slow-ish pacing and how it spans across four generations — and how a decision in one generation can lead to very different paths in another. I was 3/4 into this book before realizing how special Pachinko truly is.

Look back:

  • Wins:
    • Soft reset and completed the time-consuming TPM course.
    • Saw more people to expand my world
  • Aspiration:
    • Keep track and manage my time better and find ways to uplift my world
  • Results:
    • In a recent trip to Barnes & Noble (remember those?), I was inspired to pick up the Bullet Journal Method and restarted a Bullet Journal
  • Pivot:
    • None, keep at it

Look Forward:

  • Goal:
    • Improve health by schedule a dentist & physical appointment
  • Action:
    • Research dentist near me that takes my insurance
    • Schedule physical appointment
  • Plan:
    • Do this when I’m bored at my parents 🙃

And that’s about it for the month of August! It’s a bit long (as always), but what do you think of this format? I hope it’s interesting for you to read as it was nice for me to take pause and recap for the month.

And how are you doing? Please reply and let me know! (Hearing from my friends is by far the best part of writing these newsletters. 😬) Please also share this newsletter if you think other people can benefit from it! They can also subscribe to the newsletters directly below.




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